
Kaki King - Theatro Circo, Braga 11-07-09

“Cheating On Your Boyfriend (Ballet cover)” + "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (Smiths cover)"

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“2 O'Clock”

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"Carmine st." + "These are the armies of the tyrannized"

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"Doing the wrong thing"

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"You don't have to be afraid"

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"Lintoria" + "Playing with pink noise"  + "First brain"

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3 comentários:

aglidole disse...
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aglidole disse...

Valeu a ida só para a ver tocar. Mete muitos rapazes no bolso! Oh yé!

De resto... um pouquito morno, ora não?


Hug The DJ disse...

Um pouquito, mas só um pouquito.